- What do I bring to wear?
Well, I send lots of options in our welcome guide to help you prepare with examples of what to wear and where you can get pieces for your shoot!
2. Can I bring a friend?
I get it…you want some moral support but I’ll be your cheerleader during your session and I also don’t allow anyone in the room who isn’t being photographed. You may think you need someone cheering you on, but honestly it really takes away from this experience that is just for you.
3. What about hair and makeup?
Makeup application is included with all sessions! Hair is offered in the premier boudoir experiences.
4. Do you offer payment plans?
We sure do!
5. Can I keep my photos private?
Of course you can. I respect my clients’ privacy and only post images that I have permission to post!
6. Do you edit out certain things like cellulite, stretch marks, etc.?
Everyone is different when it comes to what they are comfortable with when it comes to the way their body looks, so we talk about that before the session, and I shoot intentionally…this means I pose you in the most flattering way for your body type, I use shadows to sculpt the body, and images are hand edited by me so if I need to remove or smoothing some things I will do so within reason. While, I won’t make you look like someone else, I will make sure that you look your best!
7. Do you help me with posing?
I sure do! In fact, I even do the poses myself to show you, and sometimes if needed I will help you get in position! So don’t worry, I got you covered!
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