I want to get real with you for a sec. A lot of the women, well, mainly all of them have shared with me that they want to do a session like this but they don’t like something about themselves. They feel like they aren’t at their ideal weight or some even think that their prime has come and gone. When ever I hear that all I can say is please stop telling yourself that lie. Your are beautiful in the body that you are in, and you are worthy. I have worked with women in their 20’s up to their 60’s, and women of all sizes, and you know what they all have in common? They all felt beautiful and confident during and after seeing their photos!

I get it. I get the hesitation because you don’t know if you will love how you look in your photos, but honestly, everyone that I’ve worked with…even the ones with doubts, loved their transformation, the experience, and their pictures. They had no regrets!

Don’t put this amazing experience off because you feel like you need to lose a few extra pounds or whatever you tell yourself that keeps you from doing a session!
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